When Things Run Dry, There Is Always Supply

In life, we all experience times when our resources seem to dry up, and we wonder if we will make it through. In 1 Kings 17:7-16, we find a powerful lesson about God’s provision during such seasons. This passage recounts the story of Elijah, who, after announcing a drought, finds himself without water as the brook Kerith dries up. But this moment of scarcity is not the end; instead, it becomes an opportunity for God to demonstrate His faithfulness.

Elijah is instructed to go to Zarephath, where a widow will provide for him. The widow, herself in dire straits, has only a handful of flour and a little oil, enough to prepare one final meal for her and her son before they succumb to starvation. Despite this bleak outlook, Elijah asks her to make a small loaf of bread for him first. It’s an audacious request, one that could be seen as insensitive or even cruel, but Elijah knows that God’s provision often comes in unexpected ways.

This narrative teaches us a crucial lesson: when things run dry, there is always a supply. God’s supply might not come in the way we expect, but it is always there. Elijah could have lamented the drying brook and questioned God’s care, but he chose to trust and follow God’s direction. Similarly, the widow could have refused Elijah’s request, focusing on her scarcity, but she chose to trust his word and God’s promise.

Reflecting on this story, we see that dry seasons in our lives are opportunities for God to show His power and faithfulness. Whether we face financial hardship, emotional drought, or spiritual dryness, God assures us that He has a plan to supply our needs. It might come through unconventional means—a friend’s unexpected generosity, a new job opportunity, or an inner strength we didn’t know we had.

In our personal experiences, many of us have witnessed God’s provision in surprising ways. Whether it’s through unexpected financial help, opportunities that arise just when needed, or the kindness of strangers, these moments remind us that God is always a step ahead.

For instance, selling a house under difficult circumstances and finding temporary accommodation when it seemed impossible is a testament to God’s provision. Despite the uncertainties, trusting God’s direction often leads to solutions that exceed our expectations.

When we face dry seasons, we should remember the times God has provided for us in the past. Like Elijah, who had previously been fed by ravens, we should hold onto the belief that God will provide again. Our faith in God’s provision should encourage us to stay hopeful and to look for His hand at work in our lives, even in the most challenging times.

In conclusion, 1 Kings 17:7-16 encourages us to trust God’s provision in dry seasons. The story of Elijah and the widow at Zarephath teaches us that even when resources run low, God’s supply is never exhausted. By holding onto this faith, we can navigate through our toughest times with the assurance that God will meet our needs in His perfect way.

100 Church Road, Gatley, SK8 4NQ
