The Returns Are Massive When We Hold Nothing Back

Holding nothing back in our faith and generosity can seem daunting, especially during challenging times. However, the story of Elijah and the widow at Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:14-16 demonstrates that the returns are massive when we fully trust in God’s provision and give without reservation.

Elijah’s request for the widow’s last bit of flour and oil was a bold move, but he knew that God’s promise was sure. He assured her that if she provided for him first, her supplies would not run out until the Lord sent rain on the land again. The widow’s act of faith and obedience led to a miraculous provision—her jar of flour and jug of oil were never empty during the entire famine.

This story illustrates a powerful principle: when we hold nothing back, the returns are not just sufficient but abundant. God’s economy operates on a different principle than the world’s. In God’s kingdom, generosity, especially in times of scarcity, leads to overflow.

Many of us desire to live comfortably with a little more than we need, avoiding the stress of scarcity. The path to this kind of life, as shown in the Bible, is through faith and generosity. When we trust God with our resources and prioritize His work, He ensures that our needs are met, often in surprising and abundant ways.

Personal experiences often mirror this biblical truth. Many people can recount times when, despite financial difficulties, they chose to give faithfully, and God provided in unexpected ways. Whether through new job opportunities, unexpected financial gifts, or other forms of provision, the principle holds true: God honours our faith and generosity.

Moreover, the returns from holding nothing back extend beyond financial benefits. We learn valuable lessons in stewardship, the joy of generosity, and the true value of things. Generosity restrains our impulse to overspend and helps us avoid debt. It teaches us to budget better, save for future needs, and appreciate what we have.

As a church community, this principle is crucial. We are called to support the ministry and mission of the Church, ensuring that it has the resources needed to function effectively. Just as the widow prioritized Elijah’s needs, we are encouraged to prioritize the needs of our church and its mission. This collective generosity ensures that the Church can continue its work, even in challenging times.

In our context, this means reviewing our giving to ensure it is proportionate to our income, setting up regular contributions, and exploring different ways to give—whether through direct deposits, mobile apps, or online platforms. It means taking practical steps to support the church’s needs, trusting that God will provide for us as we provide for His work.

In conclusion, the story of Elijah and the widow at Zarephath teaches us that the returns are massive when we hold nothing back. By trusting in God’s provision and giving generously, we open ourselves up to His abundant blessings. This principle not only applies to our financial resources but to all areas of our lives, leading to a life of fulfilment and blessing.

100 Church Road, Gatley, SK8 4NQ