Real Faith Works: Wisdom is Inclusive

One of the most powerful messages in James 1:5 is the promise that wisdom is available to everyone. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” The word any is key here. It means wisdom is not reserved for the intellectual elite, the well-educated, or the spiritually advanced. It’s for everyone who asks.

James was writing to believers who were scattered and likely feeling marginalized. They were surrounded by people who seemed smarter, wealthier, and more successful. It would have been easy for them to feel inadequate, wondering how they could possibly navigate the challenges of their lives. But James reassures them—and us—that God’s wisdom is not exclusive. It’s inclusive.

The wisdom that James speaks about isn’t just theoretical knowledge. It’s practical and transformative. It’s about knowing how to live out our faith in real, everyday situations. Wisdom is knowing what to do with the knowledge we have. It’s about making decisions that honour God and lead to positive outcomes.

God gives this wisdom generously and without finding fault. That means it doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past or how unworthy you feel. God isn’t holding your past against you when you come to Him asking for wisdom. He delights in giving it to you. Sometimes, we might think that because of our past decisions or failures, we don’t deserve God’s help. But James reminds us that God’s wisdom is freely available, no strings attached.

I remember a time when I made friends with a guy at Bible college who had been a heroin addict. I was in a free period and he told me his story. One morning after being high he woke up in a skip under some sheets of cardboard. At that moment he cried out to God while sitting in a skip. To his surprise, in that moment of desperation, God gave him the comfort, wisdom and peace he needed. He went into rehab and beat his addiction. It wasn’t because he had everything together—it was because God’s wisdom is inclusive. He doesn’t play favourites. God gave his wisdom to my friend and despite having a poor start in life we graduated together.

This is great news for all of us. No matter where you are in life, what mistakes you’ve made, or how inadequate you feel, God’s wisdom is available to you. All you need to do is ask. Don’t be deceived into thinking that wisdom is out of reach. God loves to give wisdom to anyone who seeks it, and He won’t criticize or condemn you when you ask.

So, if you’re facing a tough decision, or you’re unsure about the next step in your life, don’t hesitate to ask God for wisdom. He’s ready to give it to you generously, without finding fault. Real faith works—and it works best when we lean on God’s inclusive wisdom.

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