Rate Yourself Higher – A Call from the Book of James

The culture we live in is relentless in pushing us to achieve more. We are bombarded with messages telling us we need to climb higher, do better, and be the best in order to find value in ourselves. But what if we’ve been rating ourselves too low all along?

James 1:9-11 challenges this worldview by telling believers in humble circumstances to “take pride in their high position.” It sounds contradictory at first, but James is offering a radical perspective that counters the norms of our hierarchical and aspirational society.

We often define our value by the things we can achieve or possess: the right job, the perfect house, the ideal partner, or even the status our children’s accomplishments bring us. If we can just tick all these boxes, we’ll finally feel like we’ve made it. But the truth is, even when we achieve these goals, it often feels like something is still missing. That’s because our understanding of success is based on a faulty foundation.

James teaches that success in God’s kingdom looks very different. In verse 10, he reminds us that the rich and powerful will “fade away like a wildflower.” This isn’t a critique of wealth itself but a reminder of its fleeting nature. The things we value so highly on earth—money, status, and achievements—are temporary. They don’t define who we are in God’s eyes.

One striking example of this is the tragic death of fitness expert Michael Mosley. Despite his incredible achievements and his work helping others, his life was cut short during a routine hike, underscoring how quickly our earthly pursuits can come to an end. His passing serves as a poignant reminder that no matter how successful we are, life is fragile.

So, if our worldly achievements don’t define us, what does? According to James, it’s our identity in Christ. When we understand who we are in Him, we no longer need to chase after fleeting forms of success to feel valuable. We are already valuable because we belong to God. This is why James encourages believers to rate themselves higher—not because of what they’ve done, but because of who they are in God’s eyes.

We need to shift our perspective from worldly values to kingdom values. Write down the ways God has transformed you through trials, and you’ll see how much you’ve grown. This exercise can help you rate yourself higher, not based on what you have or don’t have, but on how God sees you.

In a world where we are constantly being compared to others, remember that your value is not determined by external success. You are already highly valued by God. Embrace that truth, and rate yourself higher, knowing that your worth comes from Him.

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