Put What You Have to Work – Discovering Value in the Ordinary

In our previous post, we discussed how opening our homes can lead to divine blessings. Today, we will explore the second lesson from 1 Kings 4:1-10: the importance of putting what we have to work. Sometimes, the solutions to our biggest problems are already within our grasp, waiting to be recognized and utilized.

Recognizing Hidden Potential

The story of the widow and Elisha offers a profound lesson in recognizing the hidden potential in what we consider ordinary or insignificant. When Elisha asked the widow, “What do you have in your house?” she initially discounted her small jar of olive oil. However, this seemingly trivial item became the catalyst for her miracle.

We often overlook the value of what we have because it seems too small or ordinary. Yet, God can use the smallest things to bring about significant change. This principle can apply to various aspects of our lives, from our skills and talents to the physical items in our homes.

A Practical Example

Let me share a personal experience. Recently, I decided to install a gate at the side of my house. While working on the latch, I realized the hole I had drilled was too small for the square rod. Frustrated, I remembered I had a 13mm drill bit in the garage. After some searching, I found it and completed the job successfully.

This small incident taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, the tools we need are already within our reach. We just need to recognize their potential and put them to use. By doing so, we can save time, money, and effort, and often achieve better results than we initially imagined.

Biblical Insight: The Widow’s Oil

In our biblical story, Elisha instructs the widow to gather as many empty jars as she can from her neighbours. She then begins to pour oil into them, and miraculously, the oil keeps flowing until all the jars are filled. This act of faith and obedience transformed her small jar of oil into a source of abundance.

The lesson here is twofold: first, we must be willing to put what we have to work, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Second, we need to involve others in our journey. The widow’s neighbours played a crucial role by providing the jars, demonstrating the power of community and cooperation.

Applying This Lesson Today

Think about the resources you have at your disposal. It could be your time, talents, or possessions. Are there things you are not utilizing to their full potential? Perhaps there are items cluttering your home that could be sold or repurposed. Maybe you have skills that could be used to help others or generate additional income.

For instance, my son Levi often wants new gadgets or clothes. My first question to him is always, “What do you have in your room that you’re not using?” By selling unused items on eBay, he learns the value of resourcefulness and the importance of putting what he has to work.


The story of the widow and her oil is a powerful reminder that God can multiply what we already have if we are willing to put it to work. By recognizing the value in the ordinary and involving others, we can transform our lives and those around us. So, take a moment to assess what you have, both materially and immaterially, and consider how you can use it for a greater purpose. When we put what we have to work, we open the door for God to perform miracles in our lives.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we will explore how to become a generous house and the blessings that come from living a life of generosity.

100 Church Road, Gatley, SK8 4NQ
