Our Vision
Our vision is to teach the present and the next generation that Jesus Christ is the saviour and hope of the World.
Our vision is to invest heavily in children, youth, young adults and families as a first priority and raise up next generation leaders, worshippers and disciples. Our vision is to develop long term relationships with schools and community groups. Our vision is for strong marriages and investment in the family unit. Our vision is for strong friendships amongst men in our church. Our vision is to see people saved, added to our number and integrated into the life of our church family. Our vision is for all of our people to pursue their God ordained purpose
Our Mission
Our mission statement is, “AWAKENING this generation, IGNITING the next”. It is taken from Psalm 78 v 1-7 where the writer is speaking about how we are to live for, and experience God in all generations.
We are to pass on the life changing story of God to those who are in our sphere of influence and to those who will succeed us in the generation to come. We are to recognise that God wants to resource our efforts to reach out to all people, so they see him for who he is and experience his love in a dynamic, life changing way.
Understanding God’s heart and mission
The next generation will be reached with a people commissioned to reach it.
We have four broad strategies geared towards understanding God’s heart and mission for his church to reach those around us looking for answers.
Our Values
Bethany Church is a vibrant, contemporary church in Gatley with a diverse multinational congregation of all ages.
At Bethany church we value…