Choosing to Live Differently – A Study of 2 Peter 3

In the final section of 2 Peter 3, Peter challenges believers to decide on living differently in light of the imminent return of Jesus. His message is a call to holiness and godliness, urging Christians to stand out in a world that is heading towards judgment. As we explore this passage, we are encouraged to examine our lives and make intentional choices that reflect our faith.

Living Holy and Godly Lives
Peter asks a pivotal question in verse 11: “What kind of people ought you to be?” His answer is straightforward: we ought to live holy and godly lives. This call to holiness is a constant challenge, especially as we navigate our daily lives at work, school, and in our communities. The world around us often pressures us to blend in and conform, but Peter reminds us that our true security, self-worth, happiness, and purpose are found in Jesus.

Strangers and Aliens
As followers of Jesus, we are strangers and aliens in this world. This perspective helps us maintain our focus on the eternal rather than the temporary. Peter encourages believers to look forward to “a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (v. 13). This future hope empowers us to live differently, even when the world around us is going to hell.

Growing in Knowledge
Peter concludes his letter with a crucial piece of advice: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (v. 18). This growth is essential for living effectively and differently in the last days. There are numerous ways to grow in our knowledge of God, including:

Daily Devotions: Set aside time each day for prayer and Bible study.
Christian Media: Listen to podcasts, read books, and watch movies that encourage spiritual growth.
Community Engagement: Participate in life groups and church activities to learn and grow together.
Personal Exploration: Try new things that deepen your understanding of God’s love and purpose.

The Importance of Being Loved
Understanding that we are loved by God is foundational to living differently. Peter reminds us of this love repeatedly, as seen in 2 Peter 1:17 and throughout his letters. When we grasp how deeply God loves us, we gain confidence and motivation to live in a way that honours Him.

Practical Applications
Living differently involves making daily choices to grow in our relationship with God. Here are some practical steps:

Engage in Spiritual Practices: Incorporate prayer, Bible reading, and worship into your daily routine.
Build Community: Surround yourself with fellow believers who encourage and support your spiritual journey.
Reach Out: Share your faith with those around you, offering hope and love in practical ways.
Stay Informed: Keep learning about God through various resources and experiences.

Peter’s call to live differently is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of the gospel. As we grow in our knowledge of Jesus and understand His love for us, we are equipped to navigate the challenges of our world and stand out as lights in the darkness. Let us decide today to live holy and godly lives, making the most of every opportunity to share the hope we have in Christ.

100 Church Road, Gatley, SK8 4NQ