Planted: Sowing Seeds of Abundance

In Amos 9:13, we’re given a vivid picture of abundance: the harvester overtaking the planter in a frenzy of blessing. It’s a scene of growth, fruitfulness, and urgency. As we enter 2025, the question arises: What can we plant or harvest in our lives and community?

Planting requires intentionality. Last year, as a church, we sowed seeds through initiatives like Alpha, outreach events, and life groups. We saw new people join our church and witnessed spiritual growth. But planting isn’t just about events; it’s about investing our time, talents, and resources into God’s kingdom.

Ask yourself: Are you truly planted in your community, your church, or your family? A tree that isn’t firmly rooted cannot grow. What new seeds need planting in your life this year? Perhaps it’s a new spiritual discipline, a relationship that needs nurturing, or a step of faith in serving others.

Harvesting is equally important. Sometimes we miss the blessings God has already placed around us. What has grown in your life that’s ready to be reaped? Is there a gift, opportunity, or relationship that you’ve overlooked?

During our 21 days of prayer, let’s seek God’s guidance on what to plant and harvest in 2025. Whether it’s a new initiative in your community, a deeper commitment to spiritual growth, or a fresh vision for your family, God is calling us to abundance.

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