Real Faith Works: Conviction Requires Momentum

In James 1:6-8, we are challenged to ask for wisdom without doubting. James describes doubt as being like a wave of the sea, tossed by the wind and ultimately sinking into the ocean. It’s a powerful image of what happens when we lack conviction—we become passive, directionless, and eventually we sink.

Doubt, according to James, is static. It keeps us stuck in one place, unable to move forward in faith. In contrast, conviction requires momentum. When we ask God for wisdom, we need to act on that wisdom, trusting that He will guide us through the storm. If we stay still, if we let doubt paralyze us, we risk sinking.

I was reminded of this truth when I heard the story of a luxury yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily. An expert explained that if the yacht had been moving, it might have survived the storm. But because it was stationary, it was overcome by the waves. This is a vivid picture of how we can sometimes feel in life—like we’re sinking under the weight of our problems. But God calls us to create momentum, to move forward in faith, even in the midst of the storm.

Peter experienced this firsthand when he stepped out of the boat to walk toward Jesus in Matthew 14. As long as Peter kept moving, focused on Jesus, he was able to walk on the water. But the moment he doubted and stopped moving, he began to sink. James is calling us to keep moving in faith, even when we don’t have all the answers.

Conviction requires momentum because real faith is active. It’s not about sitting back and waiting for God to do all the work—it’s about stepping out in faith, trusting that God will meet us where we are and guide us to where we need to be.

This doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges. In fact, James is clear that we will. But those challenges are opportunities to create spiritual momentum. When we persevere through trials, our faith grows stronger, and we become more complete. This momentum builds over time, leading to greater maturity in our walk with Christ.

So, the next time you face a difficult situation, remember that real faith requires action. Don’t let doubt keep you stuck in one place. Step out in faith, trusting that God will give you the wisdom you need to move forward. Real faith works because it moves forward with conviction, creating momentum even in the midst of life’s storms.

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